Ulonga as a paddlewheeler and before conversion to a ketch

Steaming past the Duntroon
Ketch Ulonga unloading bag grain at Tragedy Dock (no.2 dock)
Port Adelaide

The Ulonga towing the Nelcebee home after a mishap
off Glenelg Sth. Australia

The Ulonga full steam down the gulf to Kangaroo Island
I worked on the Ulonga as a crew member for two years, it was an old converted Murray River Paddle wheeler and came to Port Adelaide in 1949 to start a new career servicing the out ports in the South Australian Gulfs.
Most of the time it ran between Port Adelaide and Kingscote Kangaroo Island and did many grain trips across the St Vincent Gulf . The Ulonga also did trips around the bottom of York Peninsular where she loaded Gypsum at Stenhouse Bay for the Plaster Works in old Port Misery.
She eventually sank a few mile off Second Valley after springing a plank in her keel area (red gum planking).
"Baggy Bill" Webster was her main skipper (owner Skipper for a long time) but when she sank Skug Cutler was the Skipper with Reginald Murch as the Engineer.